Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Work, Pay Day! Marine Throws Puppy Off A Cliff?

Today at work I was extremely irritated. It really wasn't about my co-workers, it was more of being deprived from food. I didn't get to eat lunch on time, and I get cranky when I don't eat when my stomach is already programmed to. It's crazy I know, oh well. But the good part was I learned a lot more about my job and I am becoming more familiar with the tasks i need to achieve.

Today is also pay day, and I havent seen my account yet. Usually on payday, im on the move paying bills but i had no time today since I got out of work late and i chose to go to the gym with my friends instead. I figured I needed to hit up the gym again to feel that sense of satisfaction once i was done workin' out, I missed that. It seems like I got everything back under control, mentally that is. The physical part is always a work in progress. I'm watching the Housewives of NYC right now, and it really isnt as interesting as I thought it would be. How gay and what a let down right? lol. I said I am not interested in watching TV, but the new Real World Hollywood looks hot, well not the show, but that crazy guy from Chicago.

I'm always fuckin tired, i hate it! I'm procrastinating on the Animal Cruelty report, which I recently found a video of a U.S. Marine throwing a puppy off a cliff! People these days, Being in Iraq is not a sorry ass excuse for asinine actions. But whatever, people will do as they please. I'll make sure I make a note of this on my outline. Anyway, so much more to come, I still need to go figure out my finances to find out how much I can party in the upcoming months!

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